Luna Lamp Classic www.l-ight.co.uk

I’ve always been passionate about design, creating beautiful products and environments that everyone can enjoy. I’m fortunate to have found numerous opportunities to express this passion; as a lighting designer, interior designer, fashion and textile lecturer. As a Mum of two very lively and beautiful young girls, I’m sure you can imagine I’m always pretty busy! However, the pleasure I find in creating and delivering bespoke design and exploring the art of what’s possible, keeps me motivated. I particularly find that the energy and enthusiasm that my student designers bring to their creative journeys is infectious and continually challenges and reinvigorates my own approach.

My current lighting range began life through experimentation of how light can illuminate and intensify modern textile applications and forms. I discovered that it’s possible to create a unique ambient vibe in which light and space are sculptured together - essentially I’m weaving with light. My enthusiasm has driven me to create a range of products that give a respectful look back to some classic design themes and pull them into the present day by using some very modern materials and solutions.

I want my work to be beautiful, fun and accessible for everyone, I hope that’s how you find it.